• +7 495 797 01 06
  • info@ecoway-system.ru

Let's make This World

the Better Place

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ECOway System

“… everyone's life path and every way we make a living will change not in 30 or 20 years, but within this decade." (Peter Diamandis, founder and Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE)

The predatory, wasteful human attitude toward nature is being replaced by an era of bioeconomics, which relies on products and processes related to biomaterials to decouple economic growth from environmental destruction. Simply put, bioeconomics relies on renewable natural resources to produce food, energy, goods and services. Large-scale waste growth, energy dependence on non-renewable energy sources, and overproduction are all problems caused by a linear economy model that is based on “take, produce, dispose," while a circular economy extracts raw materials from the natural environment, turning them into products and then into byproducts and, eventually, the products themselves are disposed of. This holistic approach creates sustainable patterns of consumption and production.
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